Nutrition Therapy

Pregnancy & Postpartum

There are key nutrients for each trimester of pregnancy. We take the time to look into each stage and compare them with your needs. If there are pregnancy conditions that you are facing, we help you navigate through them. We don’t only asses nutrient needs, but also help with meal plans and recipe ideas.

The postpartum time is also known as the 4th Trimester. This time is very important to ensure the mom is getting adequate nutrition to help support the healing process, her health, and the baby’s health.

Baby’s First Foods

My baby can eat… Now what?

It can be pretty nerve racking when your baby is ready to try solid foods. We take the time to help guide families with feeding cues and if purees, baby-led weaning, and combo feeding is right for your little one. We will not only assess right foods, but how to starts solids and still breast-fed or formula feed at the same time. We will help set up a routine, amount for the age, and yummy easy recipes.